~How many fish can I keep?
~What happens if it rains?
~If I bring 10 people with me, can I go for free?
~Is there a toilet on the boat?
~What if I get sea sick while we are fishing?
- Take motion sickness medicine before you leave and avoid this problem.
~Can we do 2 different types of fishing on our half day charter?
- NO.
- Book an all day charter to do more than one type of fishing. Advanced notice is also required.
~Why does a fishing trip cost so much?
- $250,000 boat, $50k-$60k in tackle and equipment, $20k-$30k per year in maintenance, $15-$20k per year in fuel, $5k-$10k per year in advertising, $5k per year in insurance, etc. You get a taste of this for a very small out of pocket expense.
- You show up to the boat in the morning, go fishing, take your cleaned fish off the boat and drive home all without having the headache of maintaining the boat, finding fish, shouldering the liability, or doing any of the undesirable work that goes with boat ownership! If you only knew, you would realize what a bargain you are actually getting...trust me!!!
- As a self employed individual, I do not get a pension which means I have to plan my own retirement with the money I make fishing.
- I have a mortgage, utilities and a grocery bill just like everyone else!
~How much does it cost for kids to go?
~Will I get a discount if the fishing isn't good?